Yesterday was one of the days when I was needed to be out in the field all day. We had issues with three different weatherization projects that were almost done but due to the style of the house and the work requested, needed me to be there to oversee the work. We work with different agencies throughout the state to help insulate homes affordably for our mutual customers.
The first job I visited was with our Customer Fran. She had the agency install a bathroom fan for her. The issue was that the fan was in an area that was so small that no human being, other than a one-year-old, like my Granddaughter, could get into it! Our charge was to vent the bathroom vent through the roof, seal off the bathroom fan so that the insulation would not clog the fan and then to insulate the entire area with blown cellulose. We worked together as a team and met with the Agency to discuss our options of approach. Our Facility Manager, Rue helped us come up with a game plan and plan B. So, yesterday was game day and with the consensus of our Crew Chief Matt, along with Rue and Mike (affectionately referred to as “Pepper” by our team), we came up with a third option that solved the problem.

We then traveled to Agatha’s house to check and be sure that the walls were insulated properly. We have purchased new insulation blowing machines and we adjusted the settings to be sure that her walls were insulated properly.
Our last weatherization project was with Rose. She had the Agency install a bathroom fan and everyone wanted to be sure that it was vented properly. Her vent had a longer run than usual due to solar panels being on the bathroom side of the roof. This meant we had to change the piping from what we originally installed. We also did additional air sealing fill cracks and gaps in the basement and finally adjusted the weatherstripping and door sweeps.
All three Ladies now have homes that will keep them warmer, safer and in better health for years to come. I had a great time having my boots on the ground with my Insulation Team, but I have to say my favorite part was meeting the Customers and getting to know them as people. We discussed our homes, our families and our lives. I’d like to say a special thank you to my Insulation Crew. I really enjoyed seeing my team in their element. Everyone worked hard to get the job done even though it was a late day! Thanks guys! Enjoy the weekend, you deserve it!
Call Calyx to schedule an appointment with Bob to come see your Job!! You can reach us at or call 401-334-9110.