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It always amazes that many people do not know about the RISE Weatherization Program in Rhode Island and the MassSave Weatherization Program in Massachusetts. The programs are subsidized by fees on your electric and gas bills. They are marked as “Energy Conservation Charges” and you pay for it each and every month.

These Energy Conservation Charges help to keep the cost to you as a Homeowner is very low. There have been times (after Covid), where the total cost of the weatherization/insulation work was free. I received a proposal from a friend to insulate their home and for a total of $6500 in work. Because of the RISE Program, their out-of-pocket costs are just $1021! You wouldn’t get a deal like that anywhere else.

The savings don’t end there! During the cold winter months and the hot summer months as your home is better insulated than ever, saving you throughout the year.

Calyx is a Weatherization Contractor, licensed by the States of Rhode Island and Massachusetts and Building Performance Institute certified. We have Crew Chiefs and Team Members dedicated to tightening up the insulation in your home.

This program is available to everyone. We do work on million-dollar homes, low income single family homes (no copay is required), condos, apartments and now commercial spaces and offices.

Contact us at 401-334-9110 for more information or you can email us at

The video attached is an example of the quality cellulose insulation we use that contains borate and is fire resistant, keeping your home safe.

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